The University of Melbourne |
Established in 1853, the University of Melbourne is a public-spirited institution that makes distinctive contributions to society in research, learning and teaching and engagement.
Over the years, the University of Melbourne has established itself as one of the finest in Australia, if not the world. This is achieved by progressive management, realistic visions for the future and strategic collaborations. Here you will find comprehensive plans that underpin the continuing success of the University.
The VISION is of a University of Melbourne international in character and focus, and world class in the staff and students it attracts, the research and scholarship it produces and the academic standards to which it adheres; a university adding immense intellectual, cultural and professional energy to the City of Melbourne, and serving Victoria and Australia by performing and being acknowledged as one of the finest universities in the world.
The MISSION "To make the University of Melbourne one of the finest universities in the world."
Melbourne University
Parkville Campus
Tin Alley and Professors Walk,
Telephone: 13 MELB (13 6352) | +(61 3) 9035 5511
Burnley Campus
500 Yarra Boulevard
Richmond VIC 3121
Telephone: +(61 3) 9250 6800
Creswick Campus
Water Street
Creswick, VIC. 3363
Telephone: +(61 3) 5321 4150
Dookie Campus
Dookie College
940 Dookie-Nalinga Road,
Victoria, Australia 3647
Telephone: +(61 3) 5833 9200
Werribee Campus
250 Princes Highway,
Werribee VIC 3030
Telephone: +(61 3) 9217 5200
Shepparton Campus
49 Graham Street,
Shepparton VIC 3630
Telephone: +(61 3) 5823-4500
Southbank Campus
234 St. Kilda Road,
Southbank, Victoria, 3006
Telephone: 13 MELB (13 6352) | +(61 3) 9035 5511
❊ What's On ❊
➼ Shimmerlands Outdoor Auditorium
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Parkville Campus, Tin Alley and Professors Walk Parkville 3010 View Map
✆ Telephone: 13 MELB (13 6352) | +(61 3) 9035 5511
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ The University of Melbourne
➼ Term Dates
❊ Also See... ❊
➼ Arts West: University of Melbourne
➼ Baillieu Library: University of Melbourne
➼ Copland Theatre
➼ Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre
➼ George Paton Gallery
➼ Ian Potter Southbank Centre
➼ Melbourne Connect
➼ Melbourne Medical History Museum
➼ Melbourne School of Design (MSD)
➼ Miles Lewis
➼ Noel Shaw Gallery
➼ Old Quad: University of Melbourne
➼ Open Stage Theatre
➼ Ormond College
➼ Queen's College
➼ Sidney Myer Asia Centre | SMAC
➼ The Dax Centre
➼ Union House Theatre
➼ Whitley College
➼ Grainger Museum
➼ Science Gallery Melbourne
Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.
Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.
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