Melbourne's Shame Crimes & Murderers |

Melbourne has experienced tragedies including the Walsh Street Murders, Russell Street Bombings, Drug Wars, Hoddle Street Massacre, Queen Street massacre and Moorabbin Police murders.
Melbourne's list of tragedy, murder and crime is endless. The perpetrators are either dead or locked up in jail for the rest of their lives. Fortunately, murderers like unrepentant serial litigant Julian Knight (pictured above) will never, ever be released.
This page exists for one reason: in memory of Police Officers and innocent Melburnian's who lost their lives for no other reason than, they happened to be there.
Victoria Police Memorial in Kings Domain Gardens.
Our Shame
At Stringybark in 1878, Constable Lonigan, Sergeant Kennedy and Constable Scanlon were murdered by the Kelly gang in the Wombat forest. Don't be under any allusions, Ned Kelly was a cold-blooded killer who murdered policemen.
The Russell Street Bombing explosion on the 27th March 1986 killed 21-year-old Constable Angela Taylor and injured 22 other people. Peter Michael Reed, Stanley Brian Taylor, Craig and Rodney Minogue were convicted of the bombings.
The Hoddle Street massacre on Sunday 9 August 1987 in Hoddle Street, Clifton Hill, when Julian Knight shot and killed 7 people and injured 19 others.
The Queen Street massacre was a spree-killing-suicide on 8 December 1987, Frank Vitkovic shot and killed 8 people and injured 5 others.
On 12 October 1988, two Victoria Police officers, Constable Steven Tynan and Constable Damian Eyre were shot and killed in Walsh Street, South Yarra. Victor Peirce, Trevor Pettingill, Anthony Leigh Farrell and Peter David McEvoy were charged and convicted with murder.
The murders of Victoria Police Officers Sergeant Gary Silk and Senior Constable Rodney Miller in Cochranes Road, Moorabbin on 16 August 1998. Bandali Debs and Jason Joseph Roberts were found guilty of the murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.
More Shame
Brunswick 2012
Jill Meagher vanished on September 22, 2012 as she walked alone from a Sydney Rd bar after drinking with work colleagues. Her body was found in a roadside grave at Diggers Rest 6 days later. Adrian Ernest Bayley was convicted of her rape and murder and sentenced to life in prison.
Endeavour Hills 2014
Numan Haider, 18, has an Islamic flag with him as he is shot dead after stabbing two counter-terrorism officers. Haider's behaviour had alarmed police and his passport was cancelled a week before the attack.
ANZAC Day 2015
Police foil a plot by Sevdet Besim to run down and behead a policeman on Anzac Day. Besim was later jailed for 14 years.
Chistmas Plot 2016
Police foil an attack they alleged in court was imminent on either New Year's Day, New Year's Eve or Christmas Day. Federation Square, Flinders Street and St Paul's Cathedral were alleged targets.
Brighton 2017
Police shot dead Yacqub Khayre, 29, during a siege and gunfight with cops. He killed a man and took a woman hostage. He had recently been released on parole.
Gangland Wars 1998 - 2010
The good news... the Gangland Wars murdered their own..
Melbourne gangland killings were the murders of 36 criminal figures between January 1998 and August 2010. The murders were in a series of retribution murders involving various underworld groups. Deaths include Carl Williams, Jason Moran, Mark Moran, Mario Condello, Victor Peirce, Damian Catania, Francesco Benvenuto, Richard Mladenich, Dino Dibra, George Germanos, Alexander Kudryavstev, Paul Kallipolitis, Nik Radev, Shane Chartres-Abbott, Willie Thompson, Housam Zayat, Graham Kinniburgh, Andrew Veniamin, Lewis Caine + many others.
Bourke Street 2017
On 20 January 2017, Six people were killed and at least thirty others wounded after James 'Dimitrious' Gargasoulas allegedly ploughed his car through the Bourke Street pedestrian mall.
Flinders Street and Elizabeth Street 2017
On 21 December 2017, Saeed Noori allegedly rammed pedestrians with his car at the corner of Flinders Street and Elizabeth Street in Melbourne, injuring eighteen people and killing Antonis Crocaris.
Carlton 2018
On Tuesday 22 June 22, 2018, 22-year-old Eurydice Dixon was stalked before being murdered in Carlton North's Princes Park.
Bourke Street 2018
On Friday 9th November 2018, Police shoot Hassan Khalid Shire Ali who stabbed and murdered Sisto Malaspina, stabbing two others and crashing his vehicle.
Bundoora 2019
On Wednesday 16th January 2019, 21-year-old exchange student Aiia Maasarwe was murdered after catching the 86 tram to Bundoora after a night out with friends.
Melbourne remembers, it never forgets
After each horrific crime, Melburnians have gathered to pay their respects and remember the victims.
An outpouring of grief attracts thousands of people wanting to show we are a peaceful, loving city.
As a proud Melburnian, each crime dismays, hurts and makes me incredibly sad. We struggle to understand why. Knowing how much we love our city, suggests these isolated, incredibly horrific crimes are committed by scum that do not connect and feel part of the world's most liveable city.
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Melbourne's Shame Crimes & Murderers
❊ Also See... ❊
➼ Police Blue Ribbon Day 2025
➼ Victoria Police Memorial
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