Mahjong Restaurant |

Mahjong redefines Asian dinning with its ultra-stylish interiors, stunning park view, innovative combination of Yum Cha ala carte and contemporary cantonese cuisine.
You walk into our front dinning space which decorated with oriental ornaments contrasted with playful neon panels. The music is energetic. The atmosphere is casual. The food is exciting.
Just when you want to have a more intimate dinner. Our back dinning space is perfect for that special mood. The decor is contrasting with the front. It is 'opium dark' with deep red furnishings. The music is soft. The ambience is romantic.
❊ Address ❊
℅ Youruk
⊜ 165 Fitzroy St St Kilda 3182 View Map
✆ Telephone: 03 9534 8833
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Mahjong Restaurant
➼ Mahjong Review By Monica
❊ Also See... ❊
➼ Mahjong Restaurant | Review
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