Darebin Creek Trail |

Darebin Creek Trail is a 27km track that runs from Main Yarra Trail (Kew) to Bundoora.
Darebin Trail is now complete... Darebin Creek Trail is connected to Melbourne's eastern cycling network, the Main Yarra Trail by Darebin Yarra Bridge.
We've walked and cycled this trail a number of times (see below) and consider it a really good trail. The newest section (2018) joining the Yarra Trail (Kew) to the Darebin Creek Trail (Alphington) with it's bridges and winding sections is absolutely picturesque.
Darebin Creek runs from the convergance of 2 creeks in Epping to the Ring Road in Bundoora past La Trobe University to join the Yarra River in Alphington.
Darebin Creek Path Walk 2003
A walk on Sunday 17th August 2003 along Darebin Creek Path where the wind made it feel chilly, patches of sunshine turned to cloud as the afternoon wore on and finally, rain.
We decided to see Darebin Creek for the first time. With a Melways in hand we set off in the general direction of the creek, knowing Darebin Road crossed the creek. Great to see the on-going progress in All Nations Park as they now have courts for many games including basketball. Is that a "graffiti wall"at one end of the courts?
The first oddity along the way was Yanada House at 92 Dennis Street. We hear of "councils gone mad"with building regulations. Notice the little room added to the fine example of suburban architecture*. Our next door neighbour wants to return his "heritage listed house"veranda BACK to it's original BullNose type. Can't do says the Heritage Regulations whose approval you require before it goes to council. Apparently you cant change it period, so how did they build that thing on top of 92 Dennis?
* See comments below from Gaye who says the room at the top was an original feature of the house, albeit an attic. See old pic

One is never surprised walking around Melbourne's suburban streets at the variety of buildings and gardens. You see the most wonderfully maintained home-palaces and gardens that you wonder why they don't have more of those "best garden in the street"competitions.
We almost got lost going through an industrial estate but we knew we were close. Why, oh why were industrial estates allowed to build and hide our beautiful rivers and creeks?
Then suddenly the beautiful Darebin Creek was gushing by. We headed in a southerly direction walking on a nice path coming across a small bridge almost immediately. We laughed because we had hardly walked 100 metres down the creek when we saw this footbridge. We knew on the map that this meant the end of the "Path Proper"and from here on it was parks and dirt tracks. We were not disappointed.
Next pic is a good example of the peaceful creek speeding up to falls and then slowing down to pools. The creek did this regularly through our walk. Then came our house sitting on top of a cliff overlooking the park and probably views of the city. No, not really our house, just some people who are squatting in what should be our house. When they are ready, could they drop us an email so that we can move in. See below for pics...
At this point down the creek, the path had become progressively tougher. We can't quite work out whether the people of Darebin Parklands love or hate dogs. It becomes almost dictatorship, the number of doggy do's and dont's. We wisely had left our muts at home while we investigated a potential new doggy heaven for our boys. We did see a lot of dogs. Big dogs, dogs with muzzles, dogs barking everywhere.
Off the beaten track always uncovers the best spots and this was no exception. The water was racing around a bend bordered on one side by Silurian sandstone which is 480 million years old. I always wanted to be able to quote something like that! (:
This was followed by a nice little bend in the creek with a quaint little bridge.
It had turned into a lovely day, heres our newly named Island of Slab. Then there was the smelly bit of the creek still within the confines of Olive Grove. A strong sewerage smell from a "Water Board"building spoils the shady path and you also felt the water became murkier from this point?
We fed ducks at a mad-made point in the creek that may have had to do with fish migration but it was a nice little spot.
Then came the slog. We were hoping that although the map said there we no more trails from this point that there may have been some bush tracks but all we found were wire fences and dead ends. We scaled the biggest longest hill/track hoping it would lead to something but it had returned us to the top of Darebin Parklands.
We decided on near-by Pitcher Park which had a playground for Jaxon to play in and we could rest.
The sky was starting to grey over and time to go. Passed a butcher shop window which had a promo by Vince Colosimo and crew of the film "Take Away", hand-signed. This led to a conversation about Alphington which seemed fitting because we were opposite the station. Two thoughts - 1. Alphington was a very well to do "wealthy"suburb. 2. A two sided suburb of wealthy and working class. Hard to know if their railway station is any indication.
Firstly, if you want to travel to the city by train with a pram standing at the shops on the north side of the tracks, requires a walk of about 200 metres to a level crossing and then back the other side (another 200m) to get on the platform. There is a footbridge but it was built for younger feet.
What a lovely experience waiting at the boom gates with those incessant bells ringing [who are the bells for? Surely it's not the blind, or are they deaf too?] watching our city bound train go past. My resolve to write a complaint grew stronger as the wind seemed chillier.
Then it was nice to see these two old buildings although they are in need of repair.
Alphington Station signs are dirty, the platform is littered and uninviting. Compared to some of the wonderful old railway stations, one would have thought Alphington would have been as beautiful as some of its streets, parks and creeks. We travelled to Wesgarth Station which is a fine example of old stations restored and the surrounding parklands.
A quick drink at Yarra Wine and Wood in High St Northcote and we were home before the Sunday night Melbourne rain, really fell.
Love to see a bridge built to connect Darebin Creek path to Yarra Trail.
Darebin Parklands comprises an area of approximately 32 hectares of urban bushlands straddling the Darebin Creek. The park is located on the borders of the Cities of Banyule and Darebin located 8 kilometres north-east of the Central Business District and is serviced by a number of public transport routes. www.dcmc.org.au
What we were also delighted to read on the web site: Some programs planned for the next few years are: Continuation of off road shared pathway from Epping leading to the Main Yarra Trail.. hooray we cried!
The Darebin Guide. What a web site! Here is an aerial photo of where we joined the creek. Access maps and search for information for a range of purposes. Well worth a visit. Link below to www.gis.darebin.org
Yanada House is a dementia specific Day Centre, which offers support to people with memory loss and their carers. www.darebin.vic.gov.au
The Friends of Darebin Creek www.friendsofdarebincreek.org.au
We also passed a building with www.melmailing.com.au on it, which I mention only because of the company name.. Melbourne Mailing.
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Darebin Creek Trail
➼ www.friendsofdarebincreek.org.au
➼ www.bikemap.net
❊ Also See... ❊
➼ Darebin Creek and Back | Bike Ride
➼ Victorian Bike Trails
➼ Darebin Bicycle User Group
➼ Darebin Yarra Bridge & Trail
Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.
Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.
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