Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation

Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation

We are seeking support to help raise awareness of organ and tissue donation by placing an order for Zaidee's Rainbow Shoelaces.

Our first aim is to make organ and tissue donation and awareness more prevalent in our community. By informing parents of the importance of discussing these issues with their children, should they ever be placed in the same situation as we were, with Zaidee's sudden death.

We hope to greatly improve the donation rate year upon year, allowing those that are currently on transplant waiting lists, a better chance in getting their transplant by encouraging people to register as Organ and Tissue Donors

In the year Zaidee died, another 160,000 Australians also died. Only 218 people generously donated their organs or tissues. One in five Australians on the transplant waiting list die before they get a chance to receive a transplant. Currently there is between 1700 to 2000 people waiting to get that important call that the hospital has found a donor for their transplant.

Our aims are to sell Zaidee's Rainbow Shoelaces around the nation as an awareness campaign. Already the request and support for this has been fantastic.

The cost will be $2.00 a pair sold in three different sizes. To reflect our community support we ask that in the Month of April Kids, Mums Dads, Sisters and Brothers purchase a pair of laces and wear them in memory of Zaidee's Story and support Organ and Tissue Awareness. The Athletes Foot stores is where they will be sold.

If we can save another Child, Mother, Father, Brother or Sister who is on the transplant waiting list by telling Zaidee's Story then we have achieved our goals.

Australian Organ Donor Register

By registering to become an organ donor you could be making the greatest gift one human being can give another - the gift of life

❊ Address ❊

 ⊜  P. O. Box 2220 Shepparton 3632 View Map
 ✆ Telephone: 1800 777 203
P. O. Box 2220SheppartonVictoria1800 777 203

❊ Web Links ❊

Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation

Register to be a donor - Australian Organ Donor Register

Make a Donation - Zaidees Rainbow Foundation

Buy Shoelaces - Click here to download order form

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Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation