Village Cinemas Gold Class |

Village Cinemas Gold Class provide the ultimate cinema experience.
At Village Cinemas Gold Class , every seat is literally the best in the house. Plush, fully reclining Moran armchairs for every guest feature footrests and a personal table with wine cooler.
The cinemas themselves seat approximately 30 people and boast wall-to-wall screens and digital sound. Settle back and enjoy the most luxurious and intimate movie experience on offer!
Adding to the ambience is a selection of light meals and cakes along with a fully licensed bar featuring a selection of fine wines. Attentive, specially trained Gold Class staff treat you like a star, serving you at your nominated time during the film.
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➼ Village Cinemas Gold Class
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➼ Village Cinemas
Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.
Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.
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