TRAMTACTIC is an organic non-organisation of people who come together with artist Mick Douglas to undertake art projects in the public domain departing from the potential of tramways.
W-11 TRAM: an art of journeys
a collaborative art project exploring dialogue, performance and hospitality, Melbourne, summer 2006-07. (the second season of the W-11 project)
W-11: Karachi to Melbourne
collaboration with Pakistani vehicle decorators and performers to transform the experience of travel by Melbourne tram, for Festival Melbourne 2006, the cultural festival of the 2006 Melbourne Commonealth Games, March 2006. (the first season of the W-11 project)
Tramjatra: Imagining Melbourne & Kolkata by tramways
Book edited by Mick Douglas, published by Yoda Press and RMIT University Press exploring the cultural dimmensions of tram travel in two linked but radically different cities, 2005.
Shared Lung
a temporary public art intervention with tramways communities, Kolkata and Melbourne 2005-6.
temporary public art events, Melbourne & Kolkata, 2001
A Tracking Vehicle
a speculative text, image and sound project by Mick Douglas
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