Street Smart Life Packs |

You see them every day, now it is your turn to step up and make a difference. By giving back some simple necessities that people use every day without thinking you can put some colour back into somebody's life!
Welcome to Street Smart Life Packs, providing small day to day comforts for people living rough and needing your support.
Our objective is to provide the homeless of Melbourne with a Street Smart Life Pack containing useful daily necessities and comforts you and I take for granted. This comes at no cost or commitment from the individual homeless, and provides both a gesture of goodwill and practicality from the community.
These Street Smart Life Packs are to be delivered to the homeless throughout Melbourne, starting in the Melbourne CBD and expanding to areas with a high density of homelessness.
As this project progresses we not only want to provide the homeless with a Street Smart Life Pack, but assist and raise awareness in the ongoing issue of homelessness both in Melbourne and across Australia. Raising awareness will be carried out through the use of social media, marketing and sponsorships ranging from the individual, to community through to corporate.
What will start as a small project has the potential to grow into something life changing for those that need assistance in changing their lives.
Help us by becoming part of the Street Smart Life Packs. A Melbourne based project raising the required funding to give something back and help pay it forward.
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