Lighthouse Foundation

Lighthouse Foundation

Lighthouse Foundation
Giving Homeless Kids a Future

The Problem:
In Australia, over 105,000 people are homeless on any given night. Around half of them are under 24 years of age.

The Lighthouse Solution:
Lighthouse provides homeless young people who come from backgrounds of long term neglect and abuse with a home, a sense of family and around the clock therapeutic care. Through their Lighthouse experience, the young people heal, learn again to relate to others and rebuild their lives.

Young people usually stay for 6 - 24 months, following which they are welcome to access ongoing support through the Lighthouse Outreach and Aftercare Program at any time.
There are ten Lighthouse homes in Melbourne and regional Victoria where residents are supported by live in Carers as well as specialist services including case management and psychological services.

Our Vision: ending youth homelessness together Our Mission: to increase the availability of the Lighthouse Foundation's Model of Care to homeless young people throughout Australia Our Values: Respect - Courage - Kindness

Our History:
Lighthouse founder, Susan Barton AM, started caring for vulnerable and traumatised young people in her own home 33 years ago, and developed the evidence to support her approach. In 1991 with the support of the business community, Lighthouse Foundation was officially formed to support and expand this work.

The Institute:
The Lighthouse Institute is an Australian attachment and trauma-informed 'Knowledge Centre' that draws on 21 years of practice at Lighthouse Foundation as well as applied research in the fields of child and adolescent psychology/psychiatry, community psychology, trauma neurobiology studies and clinical practice from around the world.

The Institute focuses on the promotion and development of best practice in working with children and young people through community debate, education, training, consultancy and research. The Institute is also responsible for licensing the Therapeutic Family Model of Care(tm) to appropriate community organisations throughout Australia thereby significantly increasing the availability of the Model and fulfilling the Foundation's vision to end youth homelessness together.

Quick Facts:
* Lighthouse is an attachment focused and trauma informed organisation
* Over 600 young people have benefited from Lighthouse programs
* Each Lighthouse home is supported by a local volunteer committee who act as a community network for the young people
* Non-denominational and independent
* Accredited to provide homeless services by the Quality Improvement Council Ltd
* A registered charity with ATO endorsement for all Tax Concessions

To donate or find out more about Lighthouse visit, connect with us on Facebook or call (03) 9093 7500.

❊ Address ❊

 ⊜  13 Adolph Street,  Richmond 3121 View Map
 ✆ Telephone: (03) 9093 7500
13 Adolph Street, RichmondVictoria(03) 9093 7500

❊ Web Links ❊

Lighthouse Foundation

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Lighthouse Foundation