KIDS Foundation |

KIDS is an acronym for Kids In Dangerous Situations and we exist to try to redress the startling childhood injury statistics in Australia.
Every day, more than 5,000 children are injured unintentionally and of those, more than 100 require hospital attention. More children die from injury than from disease.
The KIDS Foundation is a not-for-profit, health promotion charity. We are dedicated to reducing the incidence of childhood injury and death by promoting injury prevention education. Active nationally through pre-schools, primary and secondary schools, we deliver highly commended, interactive education programs and provide resources to 7,500 schools.
But it is through our recovery program that we are reminded of how injury affects families. Throughout Australia we support hundreds of children and their families who have endured trauma, horrific burns and other injuries that have changed their lives.
TELEPHONE: 1300 734 733 | International: +61 3 5330 7555
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