Jacobs Well |

Jacob's Well hopes to break the poverty cycle by sinking fresh water wells in villages, establishing a health clinic, adult literacy classes, work skills training, small start up loans, and providing full education for tribal and slum children.
How you can help? Clean water and sanitation are essential to life. Sponsor a well today and help us make a difference.
Child Sponsorship costs only $30 per month ($1 a day). Education to Std 10 means a new life for each child and their family members, helping break the poverty cycle.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ PO Box 680 Glen Waverley 3150 View Map
✆ Telephone: 61 3 9803 6115
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Jacobs Well
➼ www.jacobswell.org.au
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