Hawthorn Community Chest |

Since 1958, the Hawthorn Community Chest has raised and distributed funds to charitable organisations and not-for-profit groups providing health, welfare, education and recreation services for the local community.
Hundreds of people within the Hawthorn and wider Boroondara area have benefited from the generosity and involvement of local residents and businesses for almost fifty years. During this time, over $4 million has been raised and distributed to local charities.To ensure the most efficient and effective use of funds, we try to maximise our local resources and incur minimum costs. Funds are raised through a dedicated volunteer Committee with one part-time employee assisted by local volunteers. Hawthorn Community Chest is an independent organisation with no council affiliations and does not receive government funding.Funds are allocated to those considered most in need or those unable to attract funding from other sources.A contribution to the Hawthorn Community Chest goes directly to the improvement of the health, welfare and well-being of people who live, work and learn in our community.
Your support can make a difference to the daily lives of the people around you.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ PO Box 231, Hawthorn 3122 View Map
✆ Telephone: 9818 7950
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Hawthorn Community Chest
➼ www.hawthorncommunitychest.org
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Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.
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