Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund

Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund

The Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund has been supporting Gippslanders after Natural Disasters for more than 30 years.

The Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund is a registered charitable organisation making all donations tax deductible. All donations are returned to the community and no costs are deducted.

The Fund provides relief and assistance to persons residing in the Gippsland who suffer injury, loss or damage from natural disasters.


HELP fire stricken familles across Gippsland by donating to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund and support those who have lost their homes and belongings.

The Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund has launched an appeal to aid fire stricken familles who received a devastating blow from this week's fires across Gippsland.

Fire Appeal

The fund is currently urging Gippsland and Victorian communities and businesses to support those who have lost homes and belongings by making a much-needed donation.


Donations can be made:
-:- post cheques to PO Box 508, Traralgon, 3844.
-:- made at any branch of the National Australia Bank
-:- Online (transfer) to NAB BSB: 083932 Account Number 048299080
-:- PayPal to [email protected]

100 per cent of the donations received by the fund are distributed to disaster victims, and the fund is a registered charitable organisation making ALL DONATIONS TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

❊ Web Links ❊

Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund

PayPal to [email protected]

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund