Fight Parkinson's |

Fight Parkinson's is the new name of Parkinson's Victoria and is a leading source of specialised health information, advice and services for people living with Parkinson's or Atypical Parkinson's (PSP, MSA and CBS).
Parkinson's is one of the most common brain (neurological) conditions. It can affect adults of any age. Every day in Australia, 30 people are diagnosed with Parkinson's.
While the age of onset is usually over 60, approximately 1 in 5 people diagnosed are of working age. It is estimated that approximately 80,000 Australians, and 6.3 million people worldwide, are currently living with Parkinson's.
What is Parkinson's
Parkinson's (disease) is a neurological condition that affects the brain's ability to control physical movement, such as walking, talking and writing.
How does Parkinson's affect people?
Parkinson's affects different people in different ways.
The main symptoms are:
Shaking or trembling (tremor): Approximately 70 percent of people with Parkinson's will experience shaking or trembling in part of the body, such as the hand or leg.
Slowness of movement (bradykinesia): Starting a movement can become slow and fine movements, such as writing or doing up buttons, can become difficult.
Stiffness of muscles (rigidity): Muscles may cramp or become stiff. This can make actions such as standing up from a chair or rolling over in bed difficult.
Medication can help ease the symptoms of Parkinson's, however symptoms will continue to progress over time.
Other problems that can affect people with Parkinson's include poor balance, difficulty speaking and sleep disturbance.
Parkinson's is a life-altering, but not a life-threatening condition, and while there is currently no known cause or cure, research is taking place around the world to develop ways to better diagnose the condition, improve symptom management options and ultimately, find a cure.
With support, information and appropriate symptom management strategies, people with Parkinson's can enjoy long and productive lives after diagnosis.
It is important to remember that Parkinson's is a very individual condition, with each person experiencing different symptoms. It is essential that individuals seek professional advice and assistance about the various strategies that can help them manage the condition.
How can Fight Parkinson's assist?
Support and information can make a significant and positive difference in the lives of those living with Parkinson's, their carers and families.
Fight Parkinson's provides a range of support services to assist in managing the condition and improve quality of life.
We offer and provide the following to individuals to the community and health professionals:
- Telephone counselling, advice and referral service, including a toll free phone number for regional Victorians.
- Specialist Parkinson's health professionals, who respond to individual, community and professional requests for information and assistance.
- Peer Support Groups located throughout Victoria.
- Onsite face-to-face family meetings with a member of our client services team (available on request).
- Kits and fact sheets on a range of topics, including recent diagnosis, symptom management and lifestyle.
- Signpost, a quarterly newsletter with updates, advice and information relevant to the Parkinson's community, as well as news on advocacy initiatives, events and personal stories.
- Resource library of relevant and respected local and international literature, DVDs and videos.
- Website which highlights information from a local perspective.
- Radio program broadcast weekly on statewide Radio RPH.
- Professional development and education services to help improve the understanding and management of Parkinson's amongst health professionals across Victoria.
We are also active in the areas of:
- Materials to promote community awareness.
- Information seminars on a range of topics, including symptom management, resources, support services and government assistance. We also conduct seminars for those recently diagnosed and their families.
- Fight Parkinson's represents the needs and interests of people living with Parkinson's, their carers and families.
- The organisation and its members are represented on a national level through Parkinson's Australia.
- We work towards increased funding for services, improved awareness and research.
- We actively support and advocate for research into Parkinson's.
- We partner with major Australian and international universities, research institutes and hospitals to support research into the cause and a cure for Parkinson's, and improved symptom management and medication therapy that will improve quality of life.
We achieve this through media campaigns, fundraising events, strategic partnerships and community expos.
We highlight the impact of the condition and focus on quality of life issues and maintaining independence. We also celebrate the individuality and achievements of those living with Parkinson's.
Fight Parkinson's is a registered, not-for-profit organisation (donations of $2 and over are tax-deductible). We are grateful to all those who value and support our work in the community.
The James Parkinson Tulip, named in 1981, honours Dr Parkinson who first diagnosed the condition in 1817. The tulip has since been adopted as the symbol for Parkinson's organisations around the world.
Become a member
Our members are the heart of Fight Parkinson's. They add strength and volume to our voice as they join us in the fight to make a positive difference in the lives of people living with Parkinson's.
To find out about the benefits of membership, or to join, contact Fight Parkinson's
How can you help?
There are a number of ways you can support the work of Fight Parkinson's and help make a difference in the lives of those affected by Parkinson's:
- Support our work with a donation
- Honour a loved one with an 'In Memoriam' donation
- Remember Fight Parkinson's in your will
- Ask us about corporate partnerships
- Request a Fight Parkinson's Ambassador to speak at your next social or corporate function.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 587 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills 3127 View Map
✆ Telephone: (03) 8809 0400
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Fight Parkinson's
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