Cottage by the Sea |

Cottage by the Sea is a community charity fundraising service caring for Australian children and families in need.
We are one of the oldest Australian charities operating since 1890 and provide short term relief care in a seaside holiday environment to children and families in need.
Independent children's charities, like ours, rely heavily on community support and charity donations to provide a service to approximately 900 children every year.
Cottage by the Sea offers five different camp programs, ranging from respite camps to ongoing, three-year programs. Children's charities programs like these give kids a fun break and provide relief for parents, grandparents or carers.
Take A Break
The Take a Break program (representing the majority of our camps) covers our mainstream Cottage camps where we enhance the lives of children in need by providing short term relief care in a holiday environment, offer short term relief for families unable to care for their children due to crises, provide children with an interesting and enjoyable holiday, establish positive patterns of behaviour in children and develop social skills that assist children in group situations.
The REEF program (Recreation, Environment, Education, Friendship) aims to develop life skills and attitudes in children which improve connectedness to their families and schools and to provide positive pathways to becoming active members of their communities. The Lord Mayor's Charitable Fund has donated a total of $90,000 towards this program.
The Freeman program, involving our patron Catherine Freeman, and in partnership with the Catherine Freeman Foundation, works in conjunction with the Take a Break or REEF programs. Children from Palm Island (where Catherine's mother comes from) come to Cottage by the Sea to share in a camp with indigenous children from Victorian communities.
Cottage by the Sea designed a program for families affected by the February 2009 bushfires. It caters for holidays on an on-going basis with schools and children participating at a time that is sensitive to their social and emotional needs. Thanks to everyone who responded to our Bushfire Appeal, including Newsboys Foundation, Besen Family Foundations, Share Appeal/Uniting Church, Estate of the Late Edward Wilson, Pt. Lonsdale Primary School , as well as the CWA Healesville Nite Chicks.
The Mentor program offers support for selected Cottage camps, training volunteer mentor leaders to connect with and act as role models for children participating in Cottage camps, as well as developing and consolidating their own leadership skills and interest in the area of children's charities.
Refugee Camp
This camp catered for children sponsored to come to Australia by the Government under the United Nations refugee program. The children, born in the Mae Le Camp on the Thailand/Burma border, survived displacement and deprivation. They enjoyed a truly wondrous seaside holiday at the Cottage.
Partnership support is valued and includes Australian charities such as the: The Lord Mayor's Charitable Fund which helps fund the REEF program and the Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund which offers support in strengthening developing sustainability practices, as well as Portland House Corporation Pty. Ltd. which allows the Cottage to offer more holidays to many needy low income children.
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Donations of $2.00 or more are Tax Deductible
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 29 Flinders Street Queenscliff 3225 View Map
✆ Telephone: +613 5258 1663
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Cottage by the Sea
➼ Make a Secure Internet Donation Here
➼ Wish List
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