Casey Tutungi Appeal |

Casey Tutungi is a young local footballer struck down in his prime while playing the game he loved.
Casey, born and bred in Lorne suffered a debilitating spinal cord injury on Saturday 22nd June 2013 while playing football for South Barwon in Geelong.
Growing up in the surf and supporting his dad who played for Lorne in the colac district football league, Tutungi was bred into sport, in particular football. Casey attended Lorne's P-12 college where his mother was a P.E teacher, until year 4 when he commuted into Christian College Geelong for his senior school studies.
Casey Tutungi was transferred from the Austin Hospital spinal unit to the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre, Kew in July. This is a significant stage in his medical treatment and his family are delighted with his progress.
Casey Tutungi Appeal
A trust fund has been established for Casey's future. The fund will assist in providing Casey with the essential equipment he will require during his rehabilitation. All donations will be held in a Bendigo Bank Trust Account.
We thank you so much for your support in the Casey Tutungi Appeal. Once you click donate now below you will be redirected to the Bendigo Bank Secure Payment Gateway. Your details for payment are not taken within our website or stored. All payments are made securely through the Bendigo Bank's secure MIGS portal.
Donations can also be paid directly into the Bendigo Bank Trust account either at a Bendigo Bank Branch or through your own netbank: 'Casey Tutungi Appeal'
BSB: 633 000 | Account: 149 834 533
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➼ Casey Tutungi Appeal
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Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.
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