Berry Street

Berry Street

Berry Street helps children, young people & families recover from the devastating effects of violence, abuse & neglect.

Berry Street Victoria has been protecting and caring for children and strengthening families since 1877.

We exist to increase life chances and choices for children and young people who are at risk, or who have experienced the trauma of family violence, child abuse and neglect.

What Berry Street does

We help these children and young people by:

:: Providing care and assistance in healing.
:: Working with families and communities to enhance wellbeing.
:: Advocating for the resources, policies and programs to which they are entitled.
:: Applying our knowledge and evolving to meet new challenges.

Berry Street 'Wish List'
:: Vouchers for young people (for birthday presents) and foster carers, ie. movies, Kmart, JB HiFi, dinners, accommodation etc.

:: Entertainment Vouchers, ie. movies, theatre, sports, circus etc.

:: Toiletries (new) - male and female, including shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, soap, shaving sets, moisturisers, deoderant and tissues.

:: Nappies (all sizes) for our Domestic Violence Programs

:: Food Hampers for our Family and Domestic Violence service, including non-perishable food items and cleaning products

:: Daily MET tickets for women and children in our Family and Domestic Violence service

:: New (or good condition second hand) Whitegoods (eg. fridges, washing machies, microwaves etc).

:: Meal vouchers for children and young people ie. pizza, McDonalds etc.

:: Children's toys (new) ie. board games, balls, lego etc.

:: New bikes for adolescents

:: Clothing (new) for adolescents

:: Sporting goods for adolescents ie. basketballs, cricket sets etc.

:: Books for children aged 0 - 12 years.

:: People to participate in, or promote Work Place Giving within their workplace, to support children and young people

:: Promotions - distribute flyers in your workplace, and place details of our events in your staff or community newsletter

❊ Address ❊

 ⊜  1 Salisbury Street Richmond 3121 View Map
 ✆ Telephone: 03 9429 9266
1 Salisbury StreetRichmondVictoria03 9429 9266

❊ Web Links ❊

Berry Street 

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Berry Street