Laser Tag3000 | Docklands |

Come down to Docklands where you can now triple your value, you can buy a combination of Glowgolf, Laser Tag3000 or a coffin ride, you can choose to pick one, two or all three Attractions.
Glowgolf's newest addition, with Laserforce at the heart of our indoor laser tag, you can enjoy the experience of realism available with the most cutting edge technology.
Every laser tag system has vests and lasers. So what makes Laser Tag3000 so high end that players return to it more than any other game?
The answer is simple - Laser Tag3000 is an interactive experience. Players don't just play the game; they literally become part of it and Laser Tag3000 promises interactivity, realism and excitement.
Laser Tag3000 is Victoria's newest laser tag centre. Over 30 players can battle it out in our arena, utilising brand new laser tag vests and phazors. Please wear enclosed footwear.
Enter a combat gaming experience that uniquely blurs the lines between RPG and reality,
Laser Tag3000 laser tag in Melbourne Docklands is arguably the most advanced laser tag game in the universe. Experience the adrenaline rush as you search through the semi-darkness for unwitting opponents as you attempt to complete your mission.
You will surrounded by smoke, sounds, spectacular lighting and incredible visual effects. With real-time scoring, our LaserForce GEN6 is guaranteed to excite and entertain everybody!
Not just for teens and general public, our laser tag in Melbourne is a great way of having fun for any group and at your company event or work function. For a jam-packed social event, company party or work functions at a great price, combine the best laser tag in Melbourne with Glowgolf in one of our combination packages.
Choose Your Mission
The only Laser Tag3000 in Docklands, Melbourne has game formats suitable for 7 year old to adult and all skill levels. You have an incredible choice of group missions for your company party, social or work functions.
Choose from over 20 missions at our Laser Tag3000 in Docklands Melbourne, including Highlander, Capture the Flag, Space Marines, and fugitives. At Laser Tag3000with so many game options for groups and individuals.
Laser tag is a team or individual sport or recreational activity where players attempt to score points by tagging targets, typically with a hand-held infrared-emitting targeting device. Infrared-sensitive targets are commonly worn by each player and are sometimes integrated within the arena in which the game is played. Since its birth in 1979, with the release of the Star Trek Electronic Phasers toy manufactured by the South Bend Electronics brand of Milton Bradley, laser tag has evolved into both indoor and outdoor styles of play, and may include simulations of combat, role play-style games, or competitive sporting events including tactical configurations and precise game goals.
Laser Tag3000 is popular with a wide range of ages. When compared to paintball, Laser Tag3000 is painless because it uses no physical projectiles, and indoor versions may be considered less physically demanding because most indoor venues prohibit running or roughhousing.
Speciality games
Along with standard team or solo matches, where one team or individuals try to tag the members of the other team or players repetitively, many laser tag venues will feature speciality matches. These matches vary based on equipment manufacturer and the level of technology of the system. Often they have various objectives and missions and demonstrate the technological capability of each system.
Speciality games include:
Capture the flag - This where a player steals the opponents flag and takes it back to their own base in order to score a point or win the match (depending on score system).
Protect the VIP - The team with the VIP must hide and conceal him for a set length of time while the opposing team tries to eliminate the VIP within the given time limit.
Stealth or Invisibility matches - Where the lights indicating a player's target sensors are deactivated.
Base-centric matches - where a team must defend a base while simultaneously attacking the opponent's base. Many prominent laser tag game systems, including LASERTRON, LaserBlast and Zone utilize this game format.
"Borg"matches - where players on a team share a pool of commonly held resources.
Juggernaut Matches - One player is allocated as the 'juggernaut' and gains points for staying as the juggernaut. Other players attempt to eliminate this player and thus become the juggernaut themselves. Similar to Domination-style games.
Elimination matches - where a player can become eliminated if tagged a certain number of times.
Domination Matches - where a player gains points for possessing a field target for certain lengths of time.
Role-playing or Character Class Matches - where each player's equipment performs a different function.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Level 1 Shop 5 Star Crescent Docklands 3008 View Map
✆ Telephone: 0423 205003
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Laser Tag3000 | Docklands
❊ Also See... ❊
➼ Docklands 3008 + The District Docklands | Guide
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Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.
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